School of ReligionSOR classes are held in the Education Building each Sunday immediately after the 9:30 am mass. We are blessed to have dedicated SOR catechists who prepare for and teach weekly classes that begin in September and finish in late April. Classes this year begin for children in kindergarten and continue through Confirmation (typically 9th Grade). All classes end at 11:45 am. Classes begin on Sept. 17, 2017, except for Confirmation Class which begins on Sunday, Oct. 8, 2017.
6th - 8th GradesSOR classes are held in the Education Building each Sunday immediately after the 9:30 am mass. We are blessed to have dedicated SOR catechists who prepare for and teach weekly classes that begin in September and finish in late April. Classes this year begin for children in kindergarten and continue through Confirmation (typically 9th Grade). All classes end at 11:45 am. Classes begin on Sept. 17, 2017, except for Confirmation Class which begins on Sunday, Oct. 8, 2017.
Middle School Youth Group: Details will be available through the above Edge Program. |
High SchoolConfirmation: This year's new Confirmation Program is for any 9th and 10th graders who have not been Confirmed. Classes will meet the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month beginning Oct. 8, 2017 at regular SOR times.
High School Bible Study: Available during SOR for students in 9th through 12th grades. The High School Bible Study meets on the first and third Sunday of each month beginning on Sunday, Oct.15, 2017. This program is not included in our SOR program. The registration form below is the official registration form for this program. High School Youth Group: Be sure to sign up for GroupMe to receive youth group information via text or contact Brian and Jeanette Baker. |
Calling All Students Kindergarten Thru
High School Seniors!
K - 5th: SOR
6th - 8th: New & Exciting Edge
Program & Youth Group
9th: Confirmation
9th - 12th: Bible Study & Youth Group